Extended Employment Services (EES)
Long-Term Employment Support Services (LTESS)
FUNDING: Virginia Department of Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS)
COVERAGE AREA: Counties of Amelia, Buckingham, Cumberland, Lunenburg, Nottoway and Prince Edward
PURPOSE: To act as employment sites for our participants with disabilities, as well as sites for our business operations. There are two business lines operated by STEPS:
o The Recycling Center processes over 800 tons of cardboard, plastic, office paper, newspaper and electronics from businesses and citizens per year.
o Secure Document Destruction shreds confidential documents for businesses and citizens and recycles over 400 tons of paper per year.
SELECTION CRITERIA: Participants are selected and approved through DARS and sent to STEPS.
FUNDING PERIOD: The EES and LTESS funding year is June 1 – May 30 and funds must be spent in that fiscal year.
Nancy Conner, Employment Service Case Manager
56A SMI Way, Farmville, VA 23901, 434-315-5909 Ext. 304